
From Travelers…

The journey was brilliant, with so many memorable places, people, sights, sounds and tastes. 

This trip was so powerful, I am so happy I went, and glad that it was this particular journey with Kathleen that I chose to join up with.   

It was such a blessing to experience my maiden trip to Ireland with you. Thanks again to Kathleen for helping make all of this happen.   

I am so connected to this trip that I awoke dreaming of Ireland and really got a sense that I will be processing and integrating for some time!.

Although I’ve visited with some good tours and competent folks, NOT ONE of them can COME CLOSE to holding a candle to your tour; with your energy and knowledge and enthusiasm.  Our trip all-together was like none other could ever be. 

Kathleen is experienced and knowledgeable in guiding her tours to sacred and spiritual sites that touch the travelers in a very special way. Her positive and loving approach to each individual puts Anam Cara Tours in a class by itself. Go…enjoy…laugh and learn about yourself and the mysteries and beauty of Ireland with a guide and leader who is creative, joyful, and fun.

What past guides have said…

John Willmott, Celtic Ways

A huge hug and many heartfelt thanks to you Kathleen for guiding those wonderful journeying folks here at Celtic Ways. To me, you really do this “right,” an amazing balance of leadership and service, with passion and love for all those around you.

Michael Fox, Boyne Valley Tours

Kathleen is easy to work with because of her passion for ancient history, excellent communication skills, depth of knowledge and lightness of spirit, while serving as a strong leader.

Mike Croghan, Rathcroghan Tours

Kathleen has a sensitivity and understanding that will enrich a pilgrims travels leading to a better understanding of both themselves and the energy known as mother earth.

Martin and Nora, Native Spirit Tours

We, as tour guides, were actually taken aback at the genuinely deep reverential and spiritual approach that Kathleen and the group exuded. There was a courteousness and thoughtfulness that went far beyond the typical tourist approach that reminded us that hallowed ground calls hallowed people. Kathleen is certainly one of these hallowed people and for anyone on sacred pilgrimage wanting to experience genuine heart felt spirituality we could not recommend her highly enough. Kathleen instinctively connects to the magic and mystery of Ireland whilst not losing sight of the need for good and efficient organization and care of her travelers.