A Message from Rev. Kathleen

July, 2020

Dear Anam Cara,
After months of reflection and prayer, and consulting with family and colleagues, it is time for me to resign as director of Anam Cara Connections, effective July 22, 2020. ACC became an official IRS 503(c)(3) non-profit on July 22, 2008. Twelve years is a good amount of time for me to have guided and supported a ministry of the soul. It’s time for a change. Consider these words from Ernest Holmes, founder of Science of Mind:
Nature will not let us stay in any one place for too long. She will let us stay just long enough to gather the experience necessary to the unfolding and advancement of the soul. This is a wise provision, for should we stay there too long, we would become too set, too rigid, too inflexible. Nature demands change in order that we may advance.

It is my hope that new leadership will emerge, and, with volunteer support, guide ACC to its next journey on the Upward Spiral. A few people are interested in helping, but the new leader (aka point person, the one who holds the center with volunteer support) has not yet emerged. It was decided at the May 16th council meeting that unless a new leader commits by July 1st, Anam Cara Connections will close its virtual doors and dissolve the Oregon non-profit.

A message from Rev. Beth Astarte, leader of the transition team.
Do you have interest in assisting ACC to move forward without Rev. Kathleen’s leadership? As a helper or leader? This is an excellent opportunity!!! What comes with the leadership is an already beautiful website, non-profit status with the State of Oregon, By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation, office supplies, and numerous other supportive documents and systems. They can all change to adapt for a new vision. The name can change to suit the new ministry. The direction can change in a way that serves the contemporary anam cara. Note that ACC is no longer a 501(c)(3), so moving forward will have very few restrictions previously enforced by the ever-changing rules and regulations set forth by the IRS.

If you feeling a calling, even if slight, please contact me. I can provide you with more information.

Rev. Beth Astarte
(503) 307-4357

So, what’s next for me? I’m not quite sure yet. I will turn 70 this coming December. Early last January I started an art journal to help guide me to an eventual Crone ceremony.